Regular hours:Weekdays:7:30 AM - 12:30 PM | 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Weekends 7:30 AM - 9:00 PM
You can offer 51 or 108 counts Vadamala for Lord Anjaneya. Temple needs at least 2 days of notification of booking a slot. We have limited slots available every day at 7:00 PM. Please note that we don't offer vadamala in the morning.
Price for booking vadamala:
51 count Vadamala = $75
108 count Vadamala = $125
Nadaswaram and Tavil belong to the 'Mangala Vadya' family of instruments, which are considered highly auspicious. Our temple provides professional Nadaswaram services for all religious and cultural events, both within the temple and externally.
Associated Charges:
In temple service
Local Events (within a 70-mile radius)
Long Distance Events
A minimum 10% tip for the artist is strongly recommended.
Note: Checks should be made payable to "SBA Temple" with "Nadaswaram" in the memo. All donations towards the base rate are eligible for tax deductions. For more information, please contact the temple manager at (301)-865-5555 or email